Wednesday, October 6, 2010


What an a amazing time I have had since my last post! I'm not saying that it was all roses... there were some definite moments where I would have LOVED to just give up, but as it is said in James 1:2-4

 2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

I don't know about you but I find it difficult to find joy sometimes when things start to pile up on you! I was in a hard place at the beginning of last week. My husband and I were down to NO working cars (thankfully our family helped to get us places), The bank that I work at was taken over by the FDIC, I felt like I was getting a bladder infection and my Kidneys hurt so bad that it was difficult to walk. I had to cling desperately hard to the truths that I know. I know that God is for me and will NEVER forsake me (1 Chronicles 28); I know that God has a plan for my life to prosper me and not to harm me (Jeremiah 29), The Lord is my strength and my shield (Psalm 28)!!!

It was not easy by any means, there were some tears and some fervent prayers of petition.... but I made it through that storm! My job is taken care of, my health is very much improved, and my husband and I each have a working and reliable vehicle. However we serve a mighty God who goes above and beyond, so not only did he add unto me those things he also made a way for me to get my braces removed after 11 years of wearing them!

Now my husband is expecting a job offer in the next couple of days and I am working toward a promotion at work! God is Good, beyond what I could even imagine! I am not saying any of this to brag but simply to remind you and myself that God is in control and has YOUR best interest in mind! So be strong and hold on, God IS opening doors!!

1 Chronicles 29:13 (New King James Version)
 13 “Now therefore, our God,
      We thank You
      And praise Your glorious name.


  1. SO AWESOME!!! thanks for sharing! that was so encouraging to read!

  2. oh michelle, i so want to give you a hug right now. any time you need anything doesn't matter what it is, day or night, i will be there to help you out. love ya sistor

  3. BTW My husband GOT his job!!! God is SOOO GOOD!!
