Thursday, April 4, 2024

Center Yourself on God


I'm not sure who needs this besides me. I started writing and this is what fell onto the page. Be blessed my dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
As humans we look for that ideal of what we desire or think we need; but is that real? We let so many outside influences impact our decisions and sometimes that is a huge hindrance in our lives. The opinions of others and society can be helpful, but they can also be the clanging of symbols that make it impossible to think clearly. The noise can demand our attention and distract us from the truth of what we know and can drown out God’s voice. 
Take those moments of solitude and seclusion and focus on God’s voice. Enter into your prayer closet, open the pages of God’s word and uplift your spirit in worship. Center yourself on God and anchor yourself to His presence and then wait on His wisdom. The Bible makes it clear that if we need wisdom, we simply need to ask God, and that He will not look down on us for asking. In fact, in James chapter 1, the word tells us that He will give His wisdom to us generously! 
Be assured that you are not walking this life alone! God wants us to take up His Yoke and His burden (Matt. 11:28-30). We are going to face things in life that are difficult and require decisions and actions; that is point, blank, period a fact! This world has adopted the saying “God never gives us more than we can handle” to be honest, I’m not sure where this phrase came from because it is factually untrue! God most definitely allows us to face things that we cannot handle. Think of Moses, was he able to handle leading a nation of people out of slavery? What about Noah, was he able to build an arc? Was Mary able to birth the Savior? Was Paul able to stand up for the truth of Jesus Christ? None of these people were able to do this alone! They were enabled through the Holy Spirit. 
God’s design for us is to have daily communion and connection with the Holy Spirit so that He can work through our lives. We are simply not able to do all things; but we CAN do all things THROUGH Christ who strengthens us! Our view of circumstances is like a spec compared to God’s view; that’s why it is so important that we trust Him to lead us on the right path even when it may not feel like the right way. We cannot lean on our own understanding (Prov. 3), but rather we need to submit and surrender ourselves unto God’s design. 
Jeremiah 29 tells us that He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us; if that’s the case then we can trust He will not lead us into the wrong circumstances. In James 1 we’re told to count trials of any kind as an opportunity for joy. Let’s get this clear, trials are NOT fun nor are they joyful; however, when we surrender to God’s design for our lives, He can use those trials to grow and stretch us. The word goes on to say that trials test our faith and when our faith is tested it allows our endurance to grow. 
Think of track stars, they don’t simply go out and run the race without conditioning. They spend countless hours training their bodies and building endurance. We likewise need to do the same for our spirits. We need to condition ourselves and build endurance by growing our relationship with the Holy Spirit. We need to daily spend time in His presence so that it will be second nature for us to lean on Him when the trials and difficult decisions come. If we have not conditioned ourselves to be in His presence and recognize His voice then it will be much more challenging to hone in on His voice amidst the noise of clanging symbols. 
So again, I say: take those moments of solitude and seclusion TODAY and focus on God’s voice. Enter into your prayer closet, open the pages of God’s word and uplift your spirit in worship. Center yourself on God and anchor yourself to His presence and then wait on His wisdom.