Friday, July 6, 2012

When I am...

By, Michelle Brister 2012

When I am…
abandoned, you claim me
tossed aside, you pick me up
pushed away, you pull me close
lost, you guide me
hungry, you feed me
sad, you give me unspeakable joy
broken, you mend me
ashamed, you forgive me
empty, you fill me
weary, you strengthen me
stuck, you break me free
burdened, you carry me
afraid, you give me peace
hurting, you comfort me
sick, you heal me
fatherless, you love me
confused, you give me wisdom
angry, you calm me
impure, you wash me clean
lacking, you pour out your blessings
called worthless, you remind me of your sacrifice

Thank you Father that you are “I AM” so I do not have to be!